Wednesday 9 November 2011

Mr. Thunder and the dark side of Edison.

Nikola Tesla. The genius. THE REAL ONE. Not a household name today due to Edison's jealousy.

Inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia in 1856.

He first went to the US in 1884  to work for Thomas Alva Edison, who had problems with the Direct Current system of electricity. He promised Tesla rich rewards if he could fix it. Tesla ended up saving Edison a fortune, but Edison went back on his agreement.
Tesla resigned, and devised a better system for electrical transmission- alternating current, which we use in our homes nowadays.

He then invented the motors that are used in all household appliances. He was using fluorescent bulbs in his lab forty years before industry 'invented' them.

It does not end there. He invented the first neon signs, and patented the first speedometer for cars!

In 1898, Tesla demonstrated a remote-controlled, full-size boat at Madison Square Garden, hence demonstrating the principles of radio 10 years before Marconi. Rightfully, in 1943, the US Supreme Court ruled Marconi's patents as invalid due to Tesla's previous work. Yet still, he is not credited with the invention of the radio.

During World War One, the US Government sought a way to detect German submarines, and put Edison in-charge. Tesla proposed the use of energy waves- what we know today as radar, but Edison rejected Tesla's idea, and the world had to wait another 25 years for it's 'invention'.

Tesla died poor, aged 86, in 1943. In his lifetime, he received over 800 patents. Scientists continue to scour his notes, and many of his theories are just now being proven. Tesla might just be the greatest scientist who ever lived. If it wasn't for a jealous Thomas Edison, he would be a household name today.


  1. Kia Silverbook has 4424 patents to his name n sadly he's also not a household name....n Edison has 1084 which's way far than telsa's 800

    1. O, thanks for the information.
      However, Tesla's inventions are something which are a part and parcel of our lives.

      Don't know about Silverbook though.
